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Racial Terror and Black Placemaking

READINGS – Books/Journals/Dissertations

Equal Justice Initiative Museum. Photo courtesy of Jeff Van Hanken.

Babiarz, Jennifer
2011. White Privilege and Silencing within the Heritage Landscape: Race and the Practice of Cultural Resources Management. In “The Materiality of Freedom: Archaeologies of Post-Emancipation Life,” edited by Jodi Barnes, pp. 47–58. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

Bachelier, Samanthé
2017. Hidden History: The Whitewashing of the 1917 East St. Louis Race Riot in the Collective Consciousness of the Greater St. Louis Metro Region. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Edwardsville, Illinois, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Barnett, Ida Wells B. 
2002. On Lynchings. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books.

Blaisdell, Lowell L.
2001. “Anatomy of an Oklahoma Lynching: Bryan County, August 12–13, 1911,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma 79 (1).

Bridges, Sara T., and Bert Salwen
1980. Weeksville: The Archaeology of a Black Urban Community. In Archaeological Perspectives on Ethnicity in America: Afro-American and Asian American Culture History, edited by R. L. Schuyler, pp. 38–47. Farmingdale, NY: BaywoodPublishing.

Brundage, W. Fitzhugh
1997. Under Sentence of Death. Lynching in the South. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Campney, Brent
2015. This is Not Dixie: Racist Violence in Kansas, 1861-1927. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Carrigan, William D.
2004. The Making of a Lynching Culture: Violence and Vigilantism in Central Texas, 1836-1916. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Catte, Elizabeth R.
2016. “No Deed but Memory”: The Public History of American Race Riots. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Middle Tennessee State University.

Clark Kiktode, Charles N.
2008. Lynchings in Oklahoma: Vigilantism and Racism in the Twin Territories and Oklahoma, 1830–1930. Oklahoma City, OK: Published by Author.

Collins, Ann V.
2007. “All Hell Broke Loose”: A Comparative Analysis of American Race Riots from the Progressive Era through World War II. Unpublished PhD Dissertation. St. Louis, Missouri, Washington University.

Cunningham, David
2014. Klansville, U.S.A.: The Rise and Fall of the Civil Rights-Era Ku Klux Klan. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Estes, Mary E.
1942. An Historical Survey of Lynchings in Oklahoma and Texas. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma.

González-Tennant, Edward
2018. The Rosewood Massacre: An Archaeology and History of Intersectional Violence. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.

Hartman, Saidiya V.
1997. Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-making in Nineteenth-Century America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Johnson, Walter
2020. The Broken Heart of America: St. Louis and the Violent History of the United States. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Krugler, David
2015. 1919, The Year of Racial Violence: How African Americans Fought Back. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Lancaster, Guy
2013. Nightriding and Racial Cleansing in the Arkansas River Valley. Arkansas Historical Quarterly 72 (3): 242–264.

Racial Cleansing in Arkansas, 1883–1924: Politics, Land, Labor, and Criminality.   Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

LaRoche, Cheryl
2013. Free Black Communities and the Underground Railroad: The Geography of Resistance. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Littlefield, Daniel
1996. Seminole Burning: A Story of Racial Vengeance. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.

McWhirter, Cameron
2011. Red Summer: The Summer of 1919 and the Awakening of Black America. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.

Muñoz Martinez, Monica 
2018. The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Pfeifer, Michael J. 
2006. Rough Justice: Lynching and American Society 1874-1947. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Ralph, Sarah, editor
2013. The Archaeology of Violence: Interdisciplinary Approaches. New York, NY: The State University of New York Press.

Wood, Amy L.
2009. Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Woodson, Evan
2015. Strange Fruit on the Southern Plains: Racial Violence, Lynching, and African Americans in Oklahoma, 1830-1930. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Stillwater, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University.